Fully Maintained Operating Lease

A fully maintained operating lease is a one payment a month solution which covers all the operating costs of the vehicle including a ‘hand back the keys’ at lease end.

The lease has flexible terms expressed in both terms (number of months) and kilometres travelled. Expiry of the lease can be initiated by either the term or the stipulated kilometres which ever occurs first. There is also some flexibility in the items included in the lease eg; tyres and petrol may be optional.

The Key Features of a Fully Maintained Operating Lease are:

  • Simple vehicle management. One monthly repayment.
  • Reduced administration costs as employees time is free to focus on income producing core business rather than vehicle purchasing, maintenance and administration.
  • Vehicles are kept off balance sheet, to improve debt-equity ratios for future lending. The monthly lease payments are treated as an operating expense for taxation deductions (refer your accountant for personal circumstances).
  • No residual risk resulting in loss on resale of your car. The residual responsibility remains with the fleet provider, not you.
  • Potential fleet savings. Buying power on the vehicle and the servicing costs keeps the monthly payment down.
  • Comprehensive Reporting keeps you informed of vehicle usage, FBT expenses and replacement dates.
  • Emergency break down service.
  • Simple order process.